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Reading in 2024 - January and February!

 January:  1.  Ruthless Vows, Rebecca Ross, sequel - I honestly wasn't sure if I wanted to read this book, because as much as I enjoyed its predecessor I was annoyed by how it ended.  I was also a tad bit bothered by the age of the characters.  (I read YA all of the time, so am not sure why this time around it bothered me so much.)  However, I kept coming across it so I gave in.  At the end of the day, I'm happy with how Ross wrapped up this story.  The end was satisfying and appropriate.  Also, I will forever love books that include magical letters.     2.  Mislaid in Parts Half-Known, Seanan McGuire, the latest Wayward Children book - I still adore this series, but we've hit the point where there are so many books that I'm not sure what I can say about them anymore other than you should all read them!  This book wrapped up a storyline begun in the previous book, and while I wasn't aware that I needed more about Antsy I'm glad I got it.   3.  Some Desperate Gl

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